PCOS & Bloating: Why does it happen and how manage it

No.1 infertility specialist

Bloating is a typical side effect that might result from eating too many sweets, overindulging, or stress. However, you might have PCOS if you frequently feel bloated. Women with PCOS experience bloating more frequently, but many aren't aware it's related to the condition; instead, they blame their eating choices.

Why do PCOS-positive women bloat more frequently than PCOS-negative women? It's not just because you're following a tight diet that you're having problems losing weight.

According to the NHS, irregular hormone levels are related to the outward manifestations of PCOS, such as hirsutism, acne, and weight gain.

Both oestrogen and progesterone are essential for preserving fluid equilibrium. Therefore, it comes as a surprise to many people to hear that bloating might also indicate hormone imbalance. Getting in touch with the best infertility specialist in Delhi will give insights and help you understand it better.

Bowel distention could result from low amounts of these hormones. People with PCOS frequently experience irregular periods because oestrogen can accumulate in the body due to the illness. High levels of oestrogen may encourage the body to retain water, leaving you feeling bloated and unhappy. It's essential to maintain normal hormone levels when it comes to several PCOS symptoms in order to keep the condition under control.

Bloating & Diet

If your digestive system doesn't have enough beneficial bacteria, supplements won't work as well for you. Alpha-lactalbumin, a component of Inofolic Alpha, helps the body absorb nutrients and keeps the gastrointestinal tract in good health.

Food Intolerance

Bloating may also result from food intolerances. The most prevalent indication of a recent wheat or dairy intolerance is bloating. There is some evidence that the carbohydrate raffinose, which is found in many plants like broccoli and cabbage, can cause an increase in gas production and, as a result, bloating in women with PCOS who have atypical gut flora. If you believe you could have a food intolerance, please visit your doctor.

How To Manage PCOS Bloat?

PCOS bloat may be managed in several ways.

Use Supplements

Bloating may result from recognised hormonal imbalances, which are made worse when a woman is not ovulating. Ovulation was recovered in 95% of PCOS patients who took Inofolic Alpha. Alpha-lactalbumin, a protein that supports a healthy gut and improves Myo-inositol absorption, is also a component of Inofolic Alpha.

Regular Exercise

One of the most challenging things to do

To do this, while PCOS symptoms are getting worse. The idea of working out while feeling bloated and worn out would put anyone off. Just bear in mind that if you do it, you'll be giving yourself the best chance to regulate your symptoms. It doesn't have to be too strenuous; even a 20- or 30-minute brisk walk may aid in easing digestion and enhancing your metabolism.

Healthy Diet

Even if you control what you eat and take care of yourself, you could still bloat while having PCOS. Even if you don't feel like working out or eating well, you should still do it. Avoiding alcoholic beverages, carbonated beverages, and sugary foods can help you feel less bloated. You should always consult your doctor if you think you may have a food intolerance.

Tracking Your Food Habits

You can identify items that can make you bloat by keeping note of what you consume. Then, give up the foods you think are making you bloat for a few weeks and see whether you notice any changes or discomfort when you reintroduce them. When you see a top gynaecologist in Delhi or a dietitian about your potential food intolerances, they could assist you in finding a healthy way to deal with your discomfort without sacrificing necessary nutrients for a balanced diet. This is a great approach to find out which foods suit your body and which don't.

Bloating and PCOS are connected.

Consulting an expert gynaecologist in Delhi will help you move forward in your journey. Remember that by making the changes listed above, the condition can be reversed and managed. Additionally, your gynaecologist might recommend other strategies for treating bloating. It's time to contact us today if you have been dealing with bloating for a while.