Best Egg freezing in New Delhi

egg freezing service in delhi

Egg Freezing in New Delhi

Egg freezing is best done between the ages of 32 and 36, but if a woman wants to put off having children, she should think about doing it from the ages of 30 to 40. Age is only one factor to consider when determining a woman's egg need, and not all 35- or 40-year-olds are the same. There is therefore no set upper age, though studies have indicated that egg freezing is still affordable till age 38 and that women under and equal to 40 will have higher success.

Put a hold on your biological clock until it's the ideal time for you!

One to two million immature oocytes (eggs) are present in a woman's ovaries at birth. The eggs of a woman develop as a cohort each month; one follicle (an immature egg) finally becomes dominant and ovulates, while the remaining (non-dominant) follicles are lost through atresia. Therefore, rather than at ovulation, a woman will lose the majority of her eggs due to atresia. The non-dominant follicles are "rescued" by IVF drugs and are collected for cryopreservation by egg retrieval rather than being lost as they would be in atresia. Follicles and eggs that would have otherwise been lost are "rescued" by this process.

For an average of 10 to 12 days, injectable medicines are needed to stimulate the ovaries. Monitoring with ultrasound will normally be needed four to five times while taking medicine. You will experience an egg retrieval once stimulated follicles have matured into eggs, which typically happens after two weeks.

Your work life will be uninterrupted aside from your monitoring sessions, which will happen four times over the course of about two weeks. You will need to take off one day of work if you have a retrieval during the workweek. Weekend egg retrieval techniques are accessible, however, follicle growth determines the exact timing of egg retrieval.

The majority of women are anxious about the egg freezing injections in the defence colony, but they are pleasantly surprised by how little and easy they are. You will be sedated throughout the egg retrieval operation, which will last between 15 and 30 minutes. Afterwards, you could feel slight discomfort, bloating, and spotting. The next day, the majority of women return to work.

To freeze eggs in New Delhi, you must schedule a consultation appointment beforehand. You can go into greater detail about the egg freezing method and your medical history at that time. Blood tests and an ultrasound are carried out if you choose to proceed. Prior to beginning treatment for the egg freezing cycle, these tests will allow your doctor to customise your stimulation regimen and provide you advice on your personal success rates.